The 4th round of Warfare vs Jason Broomer with Middle Republican Roman. Again it features a deep water secure flank because of the anticipated Numidian ally. A town in Jason's centre placed by me, while he placed 2 gentle hills, the one on his right being of major significance. I sent a unit of Superior and Exceptional Legions to take the large gentle hill. Jason very skilfully maneuvered his Spanish and a 6 of Legions opposite me in such a way that I had to choose to attack him with either 1 Superior base or 1 Exceptional base in combat. The Averages and 1 Superior Legion are forming a delaying force against the Numidians. I eventually broke the Javelin Short Spear unit in the town with a Superior Legion. This time Caesar woke up and broke the unit a turn earlier than he should (read amazing dice rolls by the Legion.) I also killed his general, downgrading it to Mediocre. While this was happening, I somehow was beating the Spanish and a 6 of Legions nearly single handedly w...