The 4th round of Warfare vs Jason Broomer with Middle Republican Roman. Again it features a deep water secure flank because of the anticipated Numidian ally. A town in Jason's centre placed by me, while he placed 2 gentle hills, the one on his right being of major significance.

I sent a unit of Superior and Exceptional Legions to take the large gentle hill. Jason very skilfully maneuvered his Spanish and a 6 of Legions opposite me in such a way that I had to choose to attack him with either 1 Superior base or 1 Exceptional base in combat. 

The Averages and 1 Superior Legion are forming a delaying force against the Numidians. I eventually broke the Javelin Short Spear unit in the town with a Superior Legion. This time Caesar woke up and broke the unit a turn earlier than he should (read amazing dice rolls by the Legion.) I also killed his general, downgrading it to Mediocre.

While this was happening, I somehow was beating the Spanish and a 6 of Legions nearly single handedly with 1 Superior unit. They both broke for the loss of 2 bases and a wound. I lost a 6 of Superiors vs his only Superior Legion by some sort of recompense.

I later got my Exceptionals into an 8 of Average Legions and killed them for the loss of 1 base. I believe I'd also lost the unit with which I attacked the town though. But Jason was 4 units down to my 2 at this point, in a game I was severely expecting to lose. I then proceeded to lose a unit of Superiors to shooting from his Numidians. Again Shield Cover helped a lot in protecting my troops on the right.

My Cavalry were hoping to take down his Cavalry to break the MRR army. Unfortunately my Cavalry were losing badly by the end of the game but not dead. Finally I broke the army by putting the Exceptional Legions into a 5 of Averages. My Exceptionals had lost 3 bases over the course of doing this, largely due to Caesar whiffing badly. Again. The unit did survive being rear attacked fortunately.

Despite the score of 15-6 in the LRR's favour, I must admit I'd have conceded there and then if the X Legio had broken on account of how badly the Cavalry was doing.

After the game, I went into a state of shock. I had managed joint 4th place at Warfare with 47 points. Congratulations to the podium players, Matt Haywood, Ian Newell and Keith Spedding.

Final comment, I really enjoyed the setting of the competition so much. It was great to be able to wander around and look at all the different games without going up flights of stairs. I totally recommend the venue and thank WAR so much for picking it to host a wonderful event.


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