Later Republican Roman tactics

 For Warfare 2023 I'm reprising my Later Republican Roman but in a different version.

A Legendary Professional CinC, a Competent Professional Sub, a Competent Professional Ally, and a Mediocre Professional Sub. This gives me 13 command cards and crucially in my opinion, 4 generals, to counteract the fact that one may be hesitant. The fact the generals are all Professional allows me to gift cards from the CinC to the Subs as and when he wants. More on that later.

My 13 Tugs are as follows: 2 Exceptional, 6 Superior and 3 Average Impact Weapon, Shield cover, Melee Expert Legions. The remaining 2 are Poor Impact Weapon Shield Cover.

Why all Legions? They can manouvre like extremely well, they are all very tough, apart from the poors, and they can all go into rough or difficult terrain as per the situation.

Next why all 4s of Legions? There are more Kab tests potentially, but the army is also more manouvreable when it's in small units than large or Medium sized units. This next point is probably a bit of overthinking on my part, but at some point, a unit of my army should be unengaged, and if next to an engaged friendly unit, it can swing onto the flank of an enemy Tug to give a +2 in the Melee on top of its other factors. This can be terminal and is the key reason for all units of 4.

The general deployment will be Caesar commanding 4 Superior and 1 Exceptional Legions, and the Competent Sub commanding the remaining high quality Legions. The Competent ally commands the 3 Average Legions, and the Mediocre the 2 poor Legions.

I don't necessarily want to fight with the Averages, so they mostly form a refused flank and I would make them fall back to avoid combat as long as possible. The Poors put themselves anywhere out of danger and with their general close to Caesar. The Superiors and Exceptionals hope to do most if not all of the fighting.

The role of the Mediocre general is basically to suck up good cards from the game. The Poors if they're safe, will not need to move. So that means I'm holding at least 1 card per turn. If however I move the general of this command with one of the very good Legions, and keep him within 10BW of Caesar, this allows me to keep up to 3 cards a turn out of circulation. 

For terrain I have 9 PBS cards, which is crucial to my plan for terrain placement. I essentially hope to clutter as much of the table with bad terrain as possible to mess up my opponent's Cavalry manouvres and also to keep my flanks protected. This plan is based on the fact that I know my army is very small in Tug size. How I plan to clutter the table is to use my top 6 cards, the caveat being a strategic intercept can allow me to use my lowest card for the initial square on the terrain chart.

For Scouting I have 2 cards, which is wholly due to Caesar being a Legendary general. As my army is so homogeneous, I don't really care if I'm outscouted, as long as the value is less than 100%. 

Something with the potential for a high PBS that has a lot of Cavalry could worry me but if necessary, I can afford to fight in the open, as long as I cover my flanks. Romans don't worry me that much on the basis that if they're not Later Republican Romans, they can't have Exceptional Melee Experts. 


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