Dbmm battle report from Brian Boru 2021

 Something a bit different from the MeG battle reports. A couple of optional rules were in place, such as no weather or time of day and the chance to remove or adjust the position of terrain.

My list was Corps 1: Cv(O)c CinC, 60 Wb(F), 2 Cv(O)c

Corps 2 +3: Wb(F) SG, 10 Bw(I), 10 Ps(I)

Corps 4: Cv(O)c AG, 13 Bd(F), 2 Ps(I)

All Libyan commands had 2 Army Baggage (I) and the Sea Peoples AG, had 2 Command Baggage (I).

96ME in total.

I picked the army as I hadn't been in a real life competition for 20 months, plus it was a simple army with a simple plan because of all the self-propelled troops.

Game 1, Early Libyan vs New Kingdom Egyptian. The Egyptians defended because of the Libyans' high aggression. Terrain on table included 2 enclosed fields and 2 rocky flats. I deployed second and was attacking in most places except with the Warband. The Sea Peoples ally in their first moves went into my right skirmishing sector. In the end, I was too cautious with my Warband and should have pushed them into my opponent's infantry a lot sooner even with the chariots' flank threats. The overall score was 10-15 to my opponent. I killed 10%, losing a command and about 30% with a disheartened command.

Game 2 vs Urartian. I deployed second and invaded Urartu. There was an enclosed field, a difficult hill and 2 rough hills on table. My deployment had most of my troops close to the table edge, as a counter to my opponent's better mobility. I was unlucky enough to fail 2 flank attacks, one against a general, and that really decided the outcome of the game. I killed 10% and disheartened a command, so 22-3 to my opponent was the score.

Game 3 vs Alexandrian Imperial. I deployed first and defended. My opponent placed a couple of hills if I recall correctly. I placed a big rough hill in my half and just went forward towards the 3 deep pikes as quickly as possible. I suffered lots of casualties, not quite enough to dishearten a command, but I lost 10%. It was a tough matchup for my opponent because of the 60 Warband in my army. I couldn't kill a single wedge, but the damage caused by Warband killing Pikes 2 deep broke my opponent's army. The score was 23-2 to me.

Game 4 vs Marian Roman. The answer to the question: who will win between manoeuvring Romans and decisively charging warband? Eventually the Warband. First thing I said when I invaded was "SEA!".  My opponent placed a couple of marshes. Eventually I caught his columns of Legions with my Sea Peoples and Warband. I was lucky enough to spend and kill all the Psiloi from 2 of my opponent's commands with my Bd(F) and Wb(F) and this allowed me to catch the columns.  My Sea Peoples were 0.5 Morale Equivalent off disheartened. However, by breaking one of the larger Roman commands and causing enough casualties elsewhere, I broke the army. The score was 23-2 to me.

Thanks very much to all my opponent's, Tony, Mick, Dan and Michael, and to Jan for organising the competition.


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