Late Imperial Roman analysis

 My Late Imperial Roman list consists of a Competent CinC, a Talented Sub and a Mediocre Sub. The Competent CinC gives 7 PBS cards and there is only one Scouting card. Personally, considering how tough the Romans are, I don't see them being at a major disadvantage if they're outscouted.

As for Tugs, I have an 8 of Exceptional Legionaries with Shield Cover and Impact Weapons. This unit doesn't have the Melee Expert characteristic on the basis that there are very few troops it won't be able to beat in the Impact phase, and also if it breaks off, it only suffers a white KAB test. Then when it returns to combat, it will likely break its opponents if that hasn't happened already. I would deploy these as wide as possible to get the maximum benefit from the Tug.

My 2 6s and 1 4 of Superior Legionaries who this time are Melee Experts, basically have the same function as the Exceptionals. Again there are few troops who will beat them front ally, however they are slightly easier to survive against given the Superior grading. Admittedly the 4 is a bit of a weak point, but the goal was to get as many Superior or Exceptional Tugs in the army as possible. 

My 3 8s of Average Legionaries, again Melee Experts, are fairly weak at this point, but in 8s they play an attritional role. If they break opponents, that's a bonus.

My 4 of Poor Legionaries, again Melee Experts, just play a boost the numbers to a respectable break point of 5 role. NB: if they get into combat, something has gone badly wrong.

Finally I have a 6 of Cavalry who are Melee Experts with Short Spears and Unskilled Javelins. These are specifically designed to find flanks. The melee expert characteristic gives them resilience. The Legions are the strike force, even the Averages if things get desperate.

Last thing is my Superior Fortified camp. I think this is important as you can't afford to keep a camp guard with this army.

Basic deployment, set up the Average and Poor Legionaries first, then the high quality Legionaries, leaving the Exceptionals with enough space to deploy 8 wide. Keep the Cavalry back as the last unit to deploy. I'd put the Mediocre with the Cavalry to act as a mobile command. I'd have the Talented command the 4 high quality Legionaries and possibly the Poor ones. Then the Competent should command all the Average Legionaries. Because the army is mostly flexible, you don't really care about bad terrain to be honest. I think invading is the better option, just to give your Legionaries a chance to get into combat.


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