Game between 5 Hegemons and Later Sargonid Assyrians

Hammy's opening hand. Better than mine but not by too much.

Final casualties of the Chinese. Including an 8 base Di Devastating Charger unit which suffered 9 wounds in 3 shooting rounds from a 6 base Cimmerian Tug. 1 in 19683 chance of happening.
Holes have started to appear in both armies. The Cavalry unit on my right had ripped apart 2 Chariot units with a flank charge. Ouch. However, at this point I've killed 2 Tugs and 1 SuG.
My revolting and extremely rare first hand. 
Initial deployment of the armies.

On Monday the 30th of August, I played Hammy again. 5 Hegemons against Later Sargonid Assyrian. The game was very vicious and in truth seemed slightly closer than the score of 6-15 to the Assyrians suggested. At one point, I made a mistake of moving something after Hammy passed early, which allowed him to make crucial movements later on in the turn. 

I was outscouted by 40%, and I had elected to invade. I made a schoolboy error of thinking a strategic Intercept allows you to pick the terrain type and the starting square on the terrain map. Luckily I got Coastal which was part of the plan, but the rest of the plan didn't work out.

I made a deployment error of splitting my super hard Chariots up, but in my defence, it's easier to avoid a block of strong troops when they're concentrated in one place. Luckily I had a rough ground in the centre through which to move my Di troops. The Later Sargonid Assyrian's not having much access to solid rough terrain troops is their Achille's heel.

Frankly, I was able to catch 2 of Hammy's Cavalry and kill 2 Skirmisher Tugs largely by luck, but at the end, I had a unit of Chariots going for the camp that could have taken it in one turn. The Cimmerians are vulnerable to anything with decent shooting, and the major flaw with the list I used was downgrading shooting to get lots of combat punch in the army.

I think that 6-15 is a decent result against a Later Sargonid because of how tough it is frontally.

The main lessons: know the limits of doing a Strategic intercept. Also,  if your opponent can do decisive movements and they pass before doing those movements, the only sensible decision is pass. 


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