Game between the 5 Hegemons and Neo Babylonian

The armies set up. All the terrain on table is rocky ground. Great for my Infantry. Getting ready to charge a bit too late in the game. The Chinese Chariots are getting beaten up but have taken some units down. Note the big slog between 2 Babylonian Heavy Infantry units and a Polearm unit. The Polearms should be dead by now (handbags at dawn). Into shooting range of the Skythian mercenaries. My shooting was generally rubbish throughout the game. Some casualties on the Babylonian side. The score will be 8-6 in favour of the Chinese after this round, 2 points coming from a very weak Babylonian Archer unit. A couple of dead Chinese units. Final Babylonian casualties. In the end the Polearm unit on the Chinese right broke a Cavalry unit. As mentioned before, the weak Archer died as did the Sparabara and a Chariot unit. The Chinese lost their army eventually, but it was extremely close. Not much left on table. Main lessons from the game: when you have a chance to potentially get out of a si...